Malgré de longs siècles d`occupation turque, les Grecs ont gardé leur langage d`origine. Environ 97% des occupants parlent le grec, alors qu`une minorité utilise leur langage d`origine, comme: le turc, l`albanais, le bulgare, le pomaque, etc. Le grec est donc parlé sur tout le territoire (env. 11 millions de personnes) et même à Chypre(500 000).
Instead of long century of turkish occupation, the greeks still keep their language of origin. Approximately 97% of people speak greek and minorities using their language of origin, as the turkish, Albanian, bulgarian, pomak, etc.. Greek is spoken throughout the territory(about 11million of people), but also in cyprus (500 000).
Instead of long century of turkish occupation, the greeks still keep their language of origin. Approximately 97% of people speak greek and minorities using their language of origin, as the turkish, Albanian, bulgarian, pomak, etc.. Greek is spoken throughout the territory(about 11million of people), but also in cyprus (500 000).
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